
  • VG SOLAR wins Bid for 70MW PV Tracker Mounting Project in WangQing

    Recently, VG SOLAR stood out among many PV support suppliers with its outstanding design, high-quality service, and good market reputation, and successfully won the bid for the 70MW PV tracker Mounting project in WangQing. The project is located in YanBan Prefecture, Jilin Province, with a total ...
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  • Tens of millions of CNY! VG SOLAR completed the Pre-A round of financing

    Shanghai VG SOLAR has recently completed Pre-A round financing of tens of millions of CNY, which was exclusively invested by the photovoltaic industry’s Sci-Tech Board-listed company, APsystems. APsystems currently has a market value of nearly 40 billion CNY and is a global MLPE component-l...
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  • All-Energy Australia 2018,3&4 October 2018,VG Solar

    All-Energy Australia 2018,3&4 October 2018,VG Solar

     We Sincerely invite you & your representatives to visit VG Solar exhibition All-Energy Australia 2018 Time :  3&4 October 2018 Venue: [Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre ] 2 Clarendon Street, South Wharf, Melbourne Victoria, Australia 3006 Stand...
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  • Leading By Example: The Top Solar Cities In The U.S.

    There’s a new No. 1 solar-powered city in the U.S., with San Diego replacing Los Angeles as the top city for installed solar PV capacity by the end of 2016, according to a new report from Environment America and the Frontier Group. U.S. solar power grew at a record-breaking pace last year, and th...
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  • Solar and wind set new record in Germany in March

    Wind and PV power systems installed in Germany produced approximately 12.5 billion kWh in March. This is the largest production from wind and solar energy sources ever registered in the country, according to provisional numbers released by research institute Internationale Wirtschaftsforum Regene...
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  • France releases renewable energy plan for French Guiana, sol

    France’s Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea (MEEM) announced that the new energy strategy for French Guiana (Programmation Pluriannuelle de l’Energie – PPE), which aims at promoting the development of renewable energies across the country’s overseas territory, has been published in t...
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  • REN21 renewables report finds strong hope for 100% renewable

    A new report by multi-stakeholder renewable energy policy network REN21 released this week finds that the majority of global experts on energy are confident that the world can transition to a 100% renewable energy future by the midway point of this century. However, confidence in the feasibility ...
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